Junior Researcher / Promovendus and/or Senior Researcher / Postdoc

Junior Researcher / Promovendus and/or Senior Researcher / Postdoc

Published Deadline Location
31 May 13 Jun Maastricht

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We are seeking a junior researcher / PhD student or a senior researcher / post-doc on the topic of Health Technology Assessment methods.

Job description

Health Technology Assessment (HTA) is a multidisciplinary process that uses explicit methods to determine the value of a health technology at different points in its lifecycle. The purpose is to inform decision-making in order to promote an equitable, efficient, and high-quality health system. HTA is used to inform health care policy in many jurisdictions, including The Netherlands and the United Kingdom. It is especially well established to inform reimbursement decisions after technologies have gained market approval but is increasingly used earlier in the lifecycle of a technology to inform the development and to support research prioritisation.

The candidate’s (PhD / post-doc) research will focus on opportunities and challenges in the early use of HTA methods to inform decision making. A special focus will be on methods and techniques assessing and communicating uncertainty (e.g. value of information analysis) and equity concerns using decision-analytic health economic models. For this we collaborate with Dutch and international translational researchers, MedTech companies, and HTA researchers. Existing large international projects (such as large European projects for mechanism-based drug repurposing (REPO4EU) and the prediction of radiotherapy side effects using explainable AI PRE-ACT) can be used as case studies for the developed methods and pose an opportunity for the candidate to be involved in ongoing high profile research. In addition, the candidate has the unique opportunity to work on and learn from ongoing projects in the field of HTA, together with the team devise their own research agenda and to contribute directly to policy making through our work for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in England and Wales. For many years, a research team at KEMTA have supported reimbursement decisions as part of an academic External Assessment Group (EAG) for NICE. NICE provides guidance to the NHS in England on the clinical and cost effectiveness of selected new and established. For more information see www.nice.org.uk. The work consists of developing and assessing model-based health economic evaluations, and attending NICE committee meetings. This work presents an outstanding opportunity to play a key role in a world renowned health policy making process.


Maastricht Universitair medisch Centrum+ (MUMC+)


Job requirements

We are looking for a curious and ambitious academic (MSc) with a strong quantitative and analytical streak. A Master (for the PhD candidate position) / PhD (for the post-doc researcher position) in health sciences (health technology assessment (HTA), or epidemiology, economics, econometrics, statistics or equivalent, computer science, by preference with relevant courses or specialization in the field of Health Technology Assessment), is required. Experience with health economic modelling is considered an advantage for the PhD candidate position and essential for the post-doc researcher position.

For the PhD candidate position, the candidate is expected to have the ambition to obtain a PhD in HTA. For both positions, s/he should be fluent in English and write policy documents and academic manuscripts at a very high level. The candidate has the ability to work individually, but at the same time is excited to be part of our multidisciplinary international team. The job requires the ability to work in a structured way and meet deadlines.

All staff who will be employed at the MUMC+ for more than one year must provide a Certificate of Conduct (VOG) before commencing employment.

Conditions of employment

Fixed-term contract: 1 year, with the possibility of extension.


This is primarily a contract of 1 year. After proven suitability the contract can be extended up to 4 years (depending on the funding and developments in employment conditions (Cao umc art. 2.4.3 / legal regulations).

Working conditions

The Cao umc applies to this position. You will receive:

  • End-of-year bonus of 8.3% of your gross annual salary;
  • Good pension provision with the ABP;
  • Possibility of collective insurance for medical expenses (umc) and disability (Loyalis);
  • Cao à la Carte, including for example a bicycle scheme and fitness subscription;
  • Various in-company trainings and possibility for development via e-learning methodology.


We offer a competitive salary commensurate with your education and experience, determined in consultation with you.


The department of Clinical Epidemiology and Medical Technology Assessment (KEMTA) is part of the Maastricht University Medical Center+. KEMTA participates in various clinical research projects and initiates independent research. The employees of the department are also involved in teaching activities. The department is led by a professor of Health Technology Assessment and Decision Making. At the moment, there are 32 people working at KEMTA.


  • Research, development, innovation; PhD
  • Health; Behaviour and society; Economics; Natural sciences
  • University graduate
  • AT MUMC 20240530


Maastricht Universitair medisch Centrum+ (MUMC+)

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P. Debyelaan 25, 6229 HX, Maastricht

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