PhD student on using thermotherapy as an adjuvant to radiotherapy in head and neck cancer patients

PhD student on using thermotherapy as an adjuvant to radiotherapy in head and neck cancer patients

Published Deadline Location
5 Jun 17 Jun Rotterdam

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Job description

Thermotherapy or hyperthermia is the heating of tumor tissue between 40-43 degrees Celsius and is an effective adjuvant of radiotherapy in other cancers. We have developed an applicator for the administration of thermotherapy in the head and neck region.

We wish to test this applicator for safety in patients with head and neck cancer treated with radiotherapy. During the 4-year PhD period you will conduct a phase I clinical trial using an in-house build medical device (Hypercollar3D). You will be involved in the experimental treatments and have patient contact/responsabilities (under supervision). You will analyze the trial data as well as retrospective data on patients that were treated with radiotherapy only in the past.


Erasmus MC (University Medical Center Rotterdam)


  • You are a highly motivated candidate with a master's degree in Medical Technology or Medicine.
  • Experience in radiation oncology is an advantage but not a precondition.
  • You have experience in data analyses, or are eager to learn.
  • You enjoy patient contact and are able to take clinical responsibilities (under supervision).
  • You have a practical, result-driven working attitude and you are an excellent team player and communicator.
  • Good academic writing and presentation skills in English are required.

Conditions of employment

  • You will receive a temporary position for 4 years.
  • The gross monthly salary is € 3.017,- in the 1st year and increases to € 3.824,- in the 4th year (scale OIO).
  • Working from home is an option.
  • Excellent fringe benefits, such as a 13th month that is already paid out in November and an individual travel expense package.
  • An International Office which aids you in preparing for you arrival and stay.
  • Pension insurance with ABP, we take care of approximately 2/3 of the monthly contribution.
  • Special benefits, such as an in-company physiotherapist and bicycle repairer. There is also a gym where you can work on your fitness after work.


Erasmus MC

The department of Radiotherapy of the Erasmus MC Cancer Institute is one of the largest departments of radiotherapy in Europe, treating over 5.000 cancer patients per year. The department has an extensive and renowned research program with important national and international collaborations with academic partners and industry. Physics is of major importance in the research program, and a large part of the 60 employees of the Medical Physics unit is involved in research projects. The research is embedded in multi-disciplinary teams, consisting of radiation oncologists, (medical) physicists, mathematicians, technologists, and computer scientists.


  • PhD
  • Health
  • max. 36 hours per week
  • €3017—€3824 per month
  • University graduate
  • 21.11.24.TDdH-P1536848-1


Erasmus MC (University Medical Center Rotterdam)

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Dr. Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD, Rotterdam

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