Scholarly Communications Librarian (1.0 FTE)

Scholarly Communications Librarian (1.0 FTE)

Published Deadline Location
16 Jul 18 Aug Tilburg

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Tilburg University - Division Library and IT Services has a job opening for a Scholarly Communications Librarian (1.0 FTE), location Tilburg.

Job description

Would you like to stimulate open science? And would you like to contribute to making scientific information public and to the implement TiU's Open Science policy? Can you help make scientific information open access and advise scientists on open access publishing? Can you advise lecturers on copyright, reproduction rights and the use of open educational resources? 
This is what you're going to do 
Together with the information specialists in the University Library, the experts within the Schools and other Divisions, you will work on the roll-out of the Open Science policy. As a Scholarly Communications Librarian, you advise Schools and organize programs and preconditions for the open publication and dissemination of scientific information such as journal publications, preprints and grey literature. You will also advise on copyright for educational resources in education. You will produce progress reports, prepare policy proposals, and provide training and workshops. 
You closely follow national and international developments in the field of open access publishing and scholarly communication. You will co-write (external) grant applications for Open Science initiatives. 
In this position, you will:  

  • Act as a liaison of the University Library, contribute to the elaboration of the TiU Open Science framework; 
  • Identify new developments in publication practices and translating them to the TiU by writing recommendations, reports or information material; 
  • Providing advice and information on various themes (such as copyright, Easy Access and Taverne) that relate to the responsible (open) access publishing and sharing of (open) educational resources; 
  • Contribute to the implementation of the buy-out scheme for educational materials (Easy Access scheme); 
  • Writing grant applications for Open Science calls with a focus on publishing; 
  • Contribute to the communication and publication strategy of the Schools by entering into dialogue with Schools as an all-round 'publishing steward' to help them on their way to integrating Open Science principles in the field of publishing; 
  • Contribute to the transition from scholarly publishing to new forms of academic publishing; 
  • Draw up data analyses that are incorporated into publication policy recommendations to schools; 
  • Writing and publishing information for various communication channels such as newsletters, the TiU website and social media; 
  • Promote institutional cooperation in the field of Research Support and participate in relevant national and international networks. 
  • Representing Tilburg University in the implementation of the national Open Research Infrastructure (ORI) program of UNL and SURF. The aim of this program is to provide open research information and research results at national level, and (where possible) their enrichments, which are freely accessible and suitable for re-use without restrictions.
  • Draw up a plan to sustainably embed Open Science in the organization.


Tilburg University


This is what you bring to the table 
In this team we are looking for a team player who can also work independently. If certain activities are new to you, we will look together at what you need and draw up a development plan for this. This position suits you if you recognize yourself in the following points: 

  • You have an academic education and demonstrable affinity with an academic work environment; 
  • Knowledge of open access publishing and relevant regulations related to scientific publishing in the open science era; 
  • You are a networker and have excellent communication and advisory skills and have experience in community management; 
  • You have an excellent command of the Dutch and English language, both verbally and in writing; 
  • You are analytical, result-oriented and flexible; 
  • Proficiency in data analysis is a plus

Conditions of employment

Our offer
This is a temporary position for 1.0 FTE (40 hours per week). The salary is a minimum of €3,226 and a maximum of €5,090 gross per month for full-time employment, based on UFO profile Specialist Scientific Information and salary scale 10 of the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities. Tilburg University uses a neutral remuneration system for grading that is based on relevant education and work experience.  

This is a vacancy for which the work is (partially) temporarily externally funded from the Easy Access Scheme and temporary replacement in accordance with Article 2.3: paragraph 6 and 7 of the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO Nederlandse Universiteit). You will receive a temporary employment contract for a period of 12 months. Continuation of this position is subject to the availability of financial resources.

You are entitled to a holiday allowance of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% of the gross annual income. If you work 40 hours a week, you will receive 41 vacation days per year.
Tilburg University offers excellent terms of employment. Flexibility, professional and personal development and good fringe benefits are important to us. We make clear agreements about career paths and offer all kinds of facilities and arrangements to keep the work-life balance optimal. You can also follow numerous training courses, for example in the field of leadership skills, personal effectiveness and career development.
Tilburg University values an open and inclusive culture. We embrace diversity and encourage the mutual integration of groups of staff and students. We focus on creating equal opportunities for all our staff and students, so that everyone feels at home in our university community.
Tilburg University has a lively campus in a beautiful green environment that is easily accessible by public transport. We are committed to a sustainable society and challenge you to make an active contribution to this.
See working at Tilburg University for more information about our terms of employment. 


Tilburg University | University Services

Service society and making it better for its citizens. That is what drives us. Tilburg University's founder, Martinus Cobbenhagen, believed that anyone who wants to understand society must be actively and consciously involved in it. These ideas still form the basis of our university.

Under the motto Understanding society, our more than 2,800 employees develop and transfer knowledge and bring people from different disciplines and organizations together. In this way, we want to contribute to solving complex social issues. In doing so, we work from the fields of economics, business and entrepeneurship, social and behavioral sciences, law and administration, humanities and digital sciences, and theology.

We educate our 20,000 students of 132 nationalities to become Tilburg University Shaped Professionals: responsible and entrepeneurial thinkers, driven by solidarity, a sense of responsibility and empathy, who are able to influence and give direction to a rapidly changing society in an innovative way.


  • Policy and staff; IT; Support staff (clerical, administrative, facility)
  • max. 40 hours per week
  • €3226—€5090 per month
  • University graduate
  • 22372



Warandelaan 2, 5037 AB, Tilburg

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