Postdoc position Biomolecular Condensates - Center for Molecular Medicine

Postdoc position Biomolecular Condensates - Center for Molecular Medicine

Published Deadline Location
24 Jul 14 Aug Utrecht

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We are offering a post-doc position in the Schuijers group at the Center for Molecular Medicine, with innovative technology, and high-quality research and support.

Job description

You will spearhead our focus on the formation and disruption of beta-catenin condensates in colorectal cancer. We have developed unique methods to image beta-catenin condensates in cells and in vitro and a part of the responsibilities are the testing and development of small molecule compounds that selectively disrupt oncogenic beta-catenin condensates. Besides these responsibilities the you are encouraged to develop and lead a new research project within the lab.


University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht)


  • You are a recently graduated PhD.
  • You are motivated to work in a collaborative academic environment in fundamental biomedical research.
  • You are a creative, outgoing person, eager to learn, and like to ask questions.
  • You have previous experience with cell culture, fluorescence microscopy, protein purification and biochemistry and other general laboratory technologies such as PCR and recombinant DNA.
  • You are excited to learn about transcriptional regulation and biomolecular condensates, and enjoy working in a team.

Conditions of employment

The maximum salary for this position (36 - 36 hours) is € 5.504,00 gross per month based on full-time employment.

In addition, we offer an annual benefit of 8.3%, holiday allowance, travel expenses and career opportunities. The terms of employment are in accordance with the Cao University Medical Centers (UMC).


The Center for Molecular Medicine is a research center that focuses on understanding the molecular and cellular basis of disease. More than 160 researchers perform multidisciplinary fundamental and translational research in relation to various diseases, including cancer and genetic disorders. The aim of the CMM is to train the next generation of biomedical scientists by performing internationally leading, fundamental biomedical research and by offering stimulating and excellent education. Within the CMM there are several core facilities, providing scientists access to high end technologies, among which is the facility for (single cell) proteomics.


  • Postdoc
  • Health
  • max. 36 hours per week
  • max. €5504 per month
  • Doctorate
  • 2024-4996


University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht)

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Heidelberglaan 100, 3584CX, Utrecht

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