Wageningen University & Research The mission of Wageningen University & Research is "To explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life." Within Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen University and specialized research institutes of the Wageningen Research Foundation combine their efforts to contribute to solving important questions in the field of healthy food and living environments. With about 30 locations, 7,600 employees (6,700 FTE), 13,100 students, and over 150,000 Life Long Learning participants, Wageningen University & Research is among the leading knowledge institutions worldwide in its domain. The integrated approach to issues and the collaboration between various disciplines form the heart of the unique Wageningen approach.
Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) is a leading research institute in the field of animal health and public health. Its unique selling point lies in its interdisciplinary approach to research and its focus on innovative solutions to complex problems in these fields. WBVR has a unique position in the Netherlands, as it is the only research institute allowed to work with most animal viruses and bacteria up to level vBSL4 (vDM4), such as foot-and-mouth disease and African swine fever, in laboratories and animal facilities where large farm animals (e.g., cattle) and smaller rodents can be housed. Additionally, there are facilities to conduct research and animal experiments for BLS3 pathogens such as avian influenza and Coxiella. Various experts in specific pathogens, host responses, bioinformatics, pathology, epidemiology, and diagnostics enable WBVR to work towards the mission and vision of WBVR.
WBVR contributes to a society where animals and humans live healthy lives by conducting scientific research to prevent the spread of animal diseases and promote health. WBVR adds value to the value chains of agriculture and life sciences by conducting contract research, R&D, and statutory research tasks. We serve the interests of the Dutch agri-food sector, (veterinary) public health, and the life sciences and health sectors. As a contract research organization, we focus on market demand in the animal and human life sciences.
WBVR has three focal points: healthy livestock farming, one health, and high-tech animal models (including the 3Rs).
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