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Recente timeline posts


Ten years of Science for Life: last call for registration for the conference

  • #biologicalsciences
  • #chemistry
  • #mathematics
  • #physics

For a decade now, the Science for Life community has brought together over a thousand life science researchers in Utrecht from diverse fields and institutions. This year's annual Science for Life Conference on December 2nd in Beatrix Theater in Utrecht promises to be extra special, celebrating a decade of achievements. It features talks from international experts and the community's founders, Albert Heck and Casper Hoogenraad. 

Registration for the event is still possible before Monday, November 25th. Find out more about the event here.


Event: AI in agri-food and trade-offs within responsible entrepreneurship

  • #agriculturalsciences

On December 2nd, the ELSA lab at Wageningen University & Research hosts the annual ELSA event where various parties (such as software developers, hardware suppliers, researchers, policy makers, and supply chain partners) will present, learn, and discuss AI in agri-food. The focus of this event is on potential trade-offs within responsible entrepreneurship, for example "How can we use AI innovations for sustainability while also attaining business goals?"

The programme is open to everyone who is interested in AI in the sustainable food chain. The chairman of this event is sustainable entrepreneur Leen Zevenbergen. Click here to sign up for this event or to get more information.


Newsflash Faculty of Science UU

The Newsflash provides quick and bite-sized updates on what's happening at the Faculty of Science of Utrecht University. In the latest edition, you can learn more about research showing that the Greenland ice sheet temporarily stores large volumes of meltwater during the summer, contributing to sea level rise. Furthermore, the CloudRoots project, a collaboration between Utrecht University and Wageningen University, is set to investigate the interactions between the atmosphere and Amazon ecosystems.

Discover more news from the Faculty of Science here.

Photo by Thomas Nylen, Technical University of Denmark