Obtaining your next research position is of course about finding and applying for a vacancy, but a good preparation is half the work. Besides writing your motivation letter and compiling a publication list, there are some other important aspects to take into account while preparing for a career move.
When searching for a job, your ability to network and present yourself effectively can make all the difference. How do you utilise your network? How would you present yourself to a potential employer? Is your CV ready?
Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, honing your networking skills and crafting a compelling personal brand are essential steps toward success. That's why we offer guidance to help you refine your CV, create a standout pitch, and kickstart your networking efforts.
Take control of your career journey now and discover how you can leverage your skills and connections to achieve your career goals.
What are your strengths and pitfalls? Get a better understanding of your talents and skills with our self-assessment.
Discover 5 key elements for preparing your CV, which will increase your chances of being invited for an in-person interview.
How would you present yourself to a new employer? Find out what your added value is and write your personal pitch.
Exploring and expanding your career network is helpful when planning your career or finding the job you are looking for.
Get the opportunity to experience the vibe of connecting and to develop organisational skills. This is what employers a looking for.
Become more broadly employable and increase your chances on the job market. About key competences for a successful research career.
Want even more tips & tricks for planning your career? Read AcademicTransfer's e-book,
a preparation guide for a research career in the Netherlands.