The Erasmus Centre for Strategic Philanthropy (ECSP) was founded to contribute to the performance and effectiveness of the philanthropic sector. We aspire to be a preeminent knowledge and learning centre that supports, stimulates and challenges European (nongrantseeking) foundations and their partners in realizing their full potential for societal benefit.
ECSP offers capacity building services to established and beginning foundations and their main stakeholders, in the areas of Research, Training & Education and Advisory Services. We initiate boundary-crossing research projects, develop competence-oriented learning programs, and provide complementary consulting services upon request. We value the development of a vital philanthropy learning ecosystem for practitioners and academics in Europe and contribute to that as a platform for knowledge sharing.
ECSP was established by two faculties of the Erasmus University, the Erasmus School of Economics and Rotterdam School of Management, and a Dutch family foundation. We are an independent centre and can work with all international academics that share our interest in developing and sharing relevant knowledge about the potential and effectiveness of foundations and the broader philanthropic sector. Our role is to initiate and facilitate a mutually enriching learning dialogue between philanthropy practitioners and academics.
We are a small dedicated ECSP team that draws on a flexible and growing network of international partners, both academic and otherwise, to help us execute our ambitious programme. The Academic Coordinator & Research Manager embodies ECSP’s bridging role between practitioners and academics, and acts as our academic compass and linking pin.
Since its inception, we have learned a great deal about the (near-term) learning needs of the sector and about a broad range of delivery mechanisms. To help us take ECSP to the next level, we are now looking for an Academic Coordinator & Research Manager.
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