Research project descriptionThe research will be part of the TwinTES project, with the direct link to the ongoing development of MOOI funded project - TROEF, to develop storage twining models that will integrate stack and system parameters of the complete set of storage units to determine optimal performance based on equivalent SoC / SoH values. The output would be optimal designs for integrated set of (thermal - electricity integrated) storage technologies to be deployed for dedicated hubs. It would also provide a comparison of the role and benefits between storage technology providers and storage service providers (hub entity) via the interaction with the integrated twinning platform. Coupling such storage models along with exploring relevant use-cases associated with the energy hub in the integrated twining platform will
ensure high level of conversion efficiency while enlarging hub flexibility in accommodating larger share of renewables.
Are you eager to get involve into the digitalisation process of the energy sector, to develop and implement a digital-twin platform with innovative twining models for designing, developing and optimising the applications of storage systems associated with energy hubs to maximize their value and profitability? Are you eager to extend your research experience by collaborating with various industrial partners, researchers from different research departments of the Eindhoven University of Technology? If so, you will enjoy the position very much.
Job descriptionYou are expected to conduct research in the field of energy hubs based on twining models of underlying thermal - electricity integrated storage technologies. Storage twining models in form of software modules are expected to mimic their storage behaviour based on user defined input and experimental data, thus strengthen the integration of heating needed from the built environment with distributed energy resources in form of electricity to reduce CO2 emission with higher renewable energy integrations.
The research will be part of the TwinTES project, with the direct link to the ongoing development of MOOI funded project - TROEF. You will coordinate closely with the supervisors, primarily from the digital Power and Energy system (DigiPES lab,, and the Building Physics Services (BPS) group to validate and integrate the developed storage twining in TROEF's digital twins platform.
You will be responsible to draft the solutions for the project, organize scientific events as well as managing the collaborations with academic, industrial partners of the project.
In addition, you are expected to supervise master's and doctoral students, (co-) author scientific publications focusing on the project's activities, and other administrative issues.
This position and research project are made possible by the BEHeaT program initiated by the Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems (
EIRES). EIRES facilitates the collaborative development and swift deployment of new technologies and devices by bringing together TU/e researchers working on materials, systems, and processes for energy storage and conversion.
EIRES consists of collaborating research groups within TUe. These include over 140 researchers and more than 450 PhDs. EIRES brings these researchers together and creates new network connections between researchers and industry.
Within the focus area of energy transition in the built environment, a large-scale research program was recently launched. This program, BEHeaT, stands for
Transition. The program is funded with TUe's own resources as well as contributions from industry. The research program has a pragmatic approach.
Within the BEHeaT program, research is conducted into the (further) development of various (new) materials, components and/or systems in relation to intelligent buildings, heat storage, heat networks and/or electricity grids. The focus is not only on physical materials, components and systems, but also on dynamic (predictive) models. We believe that in order to have impact, any research must take systems integration as its starting point. In addition, we believe that technology does not stand alone and should always be seen in relation to the (end) user. In this way, the impact of research results is increased.