At the Mathematical Institute of Utrecht University we are looking for a PhD candidate to join our project
Surfaces on fourfolds on the enumerative geometry of surfaces on Calabi-Yau fourfolds and related subjects.
Your job Enumerative geometry is the field of algebraic geometry dealing with counting geometric objects satisfying constraints. So far, enumerative geometry largely concerned curve counting. This PhD position is funded by the ERC Consolidator Grant
Surfaces on fourfolds on the enumerative geometry of surfaces on Calabi-Yau fourfolds and related subjects. This new field has unexpected connections with various areas of mathematics and physics, such as Hodge theory, singularity theory, representation theory, and string theory.
This ERC project
Surfaces on fourfolds is comprised of 2 PhD positions and 2 postdoc positions which will be filled during the period September 2023-September 2028.
You will be part of the
Utrecht Geometry Centre, which encompasses all the research groups in pure mathematics within the Mathematical Institute of Utrecht University. Our expertise covers a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from algebraic and differential geometry to algebraic topology, logic, and number theory.
During your
PhD programme, up to 10% of your time will be devoted to teaching activities within our curriculum. Your work as a PhD candidate will be complemented by a complete training programme within the
Graduate School of Natural Sciences.