Professor International and European Tax Law (0.6 fte)
You cannot apply for this job anymore (deadline was 1 Mar ’18)
Academic fields
Job types
Professor; Associate professor; Assistant professor; Lecturer
Education level
Weekly hours
22.8 hours per week
Teaching duties
(Shared) responsibility for, and emphatic collaboration with - as a “working foreman” - other lecturers, giving the courses:
B3-course Introduction to International and European Tax Law
Master programme course Advanced Procedural Tax Law
Master programme course Advanced European Tax Law
Capita: from sole trader to international company
Supervision of bachelor theses and master theses, acting as a second reader for master theses and chairing graduation sessions.
Research duties
Regular publication in highly esteemed (international) specialist journals.
Independent research work and research with others, both in the department and outside it (including abroad) within the framework of the research programme Fiscal Autonomy and its Boundaries.
Encouraging research and involving participants of the research programme in the study.
Recruiting and supervising (external) doctoral students, bearing in mind that the professor should encourage doctoral students, support them and give them the opportunity to set out their own line of research. Acting as a second supervisor, and in that capacity, working closely and effectively with the first supervisor.
Participating international cooperative arrangements and building and maintaining contacts with people and authorities in the Netherlands and abroad to promote the further internationalisation of the research and publications.
Making an annual contribution to the Annual Report, preferably with others participating in (a sub-programme of) the research programme.
Administrative and managerial duties
Acting as the Head of the department on the principles of connected and servant-leadership.
Sharing responsibility, within the department, for managing and coordinating the work connected to education and research.
Sharing the administrative and managerial duties of the faculty.
EFS Board Member and, in that capacity, showing commitment to the post-master curricula and organising EFS seminars.
The structure report in which the position has been described in more detail is attached to his vacancy, in Dutch as well as English language.
You have written a dissertation on a topic relevant to international and European tax law.
You have research experience, as is evident from publications in your field in prominent journals that focus on tax law.
You have the ability to inspire and supervise researchers and will be a motivating supervisor who coaches doctoral students.
You have built up an international network and are regarded as an expert in the field, as is evident from such things as invitations to speak at international conferences and to give guest lectures at universities abroad.
You are involved in public debates and have the ability to integrate your research into the relevant public debate.
You identify with Erasmus School of Law’s research profile and the research programme Fiscal Autonomy and its Boundaries.
You have experience in producing and providing education in international and European tax law and are a gifted teacher, as is evident from such things as teaching assessments or a trial lecture. You have at least basic teaching qualifications or are exempt from such qualifications on the grounds of teaching assessments.
You have the skill to give lectures in Dutch and English.
You have experience in management and can act as a servant-manager, whose work is not based on hierarchy but on his/her staff’s qualities, regardless of position. You encourage staff to get the best from themselves and makes sure that the working environment is safe and pleasant.
You feel committed to the department, the faculty and the university.
You have excellent communication skills and work well with others, while combining ambition with comradeship.
Classes are held in Dutch, but some of the research is done in English, so fluency in written and oral Dutch and English (C1) is essential.
Starting date aimed for is 1 July or 1 August 2018. The appointment will be for 5 years. After positive evaluations the appointment will be transferred into a permanent appointment. Payment will be according to the collective labour agreement Dutch universities. An assessment will be part of the selection procedure.
The expertise of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) is concentrated in the fields of Business Administration, Economics, Medicine and Health Sciences, Law, Social Sciences, History, Culture and Communication, and Philosophy. In addition to the initial degree programmes and scientific research, the University offers specific postgraduate study programmes and courses. Erasmus University has around 25,000 students and some 2,700 staff members.
More than 4,000 students attend Erasmus School of Law (ESL), and the School has around 400 employees. ESL provides bachelor’s degree programmes in Law, Tax Law and Criminology, with education focusing on active academic learning. Students can subsequently choose from 15 master’s degree programmes. For students who have greater ambitions, there is also a Master of Laws – Post-master’s Programme (Dutch: mr.drs.): a double degree programme in law and economics. Upon completion of a master’s degree, the Erasmus School of Law (in collaboration with the Erasmus Academy and others) offers several post-graduate tracks.
The fundamental premise underlying academic research conducted at ESL is that law cannot be considered in splendid isolation or as an end in itself. It is imbedded in an economic and social context that shapes law. At the same time, law itself shapes society and defines economic relationships. In line with this vision, the mission of ESL is to conduct innovative research on the function of law in its economic and social context. ESL research has a strong social and business-driven orientation. ESL is committed to promoting international and interdisciplinary research. More information on the ESL research programmes, can be found at:
Your motivation letter with curriculum vitae should be sent 1 March 2018 at the latest. Please refer to vacancy number AT-2018.01/HL, and send your application to the dean of Erasmus School of Law of the Erasmus University Rotterdam, e-mail Selection interviews will be held most likely starting mid March.
Erasmus University Rotterdam thrives towards an equal representation of women in higher academic positions. Women are therefore explicitly requested to apply.
Those who would want to place specific candidates under our attention are kindly requested to address the dean of our faculty.
Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) is a highly ranked, international university, based in the dynamic and diverse city of Rotterdam, with its port acting as a gateway to the world.
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